TIRAN (Mati di Ranjang)

TIRAN (Mati di Ranjang)

Diana (Dewi Persik) and Gugun (Indra Bruggman L) are the couple who had just occupied their new home comfortable. Diana was pregnant young. They're too busy looking for a variety of furniture to fill their homes One of them is the bed. Their new neighbors, Lisye (Ayu Dewi) and his nephew Ling Ling (Zuzana Chang) offers a bed in their furniture store. New Lisye chance to get a mattress from a boarding house auction.

When Diana visited, for some reason, one of the beds in the store as if breathing and alive, woo Diana to select him. When the bed is taken home, strange events occur, which not only endanger the permanence of marriage and Gugun Diana, but also endanger their lives.

Film Type:

Ody Mulya Hidayat

Maxima Pictures

Goddess Perssik
Indra L. Bruggman
Ayu Dewi
Eva Asmarani
Zuzana Chang

Arie Azis

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